VK6 Allstar Network

Allstar, Echolink, nodes – gah! How does it all bolt together? Well some parts are solid and have been in place for some time, other parts are a little fluid (watch this space for changes and updates).

VK6RLM is connected into the Allstar network via VK6ZGN (Bob) on node number 28608. Node 28608 is also paired with Echolink node 909122.

The VK6-HUB node number 42732 is purely a hub – that is, it has no radio connected directly to it. It is also paired to Echolink conference *VK6-HUB* (9610), also with no radio. And  more recently DMR Brandmeister Talk Group 505005. The idea is that many nodes can connect into this hub and enjoy QSO’s with all nodes connected. It ideally has a reliable internet connection and plenty of low latency bandwidth – it kinda does, time will tell.

Note: EchoLink has updated to 9610 (formally 9732).

F-Troop and Allstar/Echolink

What happens with F-Troop on a Saturday morning? Well 909122 (paired with 28608 VK6RLM as above) connects automatically to Echolink conference *VK3JED* 42840.

What does this mean? You can connect to any of these nodes and you will get access to F-Troop. However it is recommended that you connect to either the VK6-Hub on Allstar 42732 or Echolink 9610 (*VK6-HUB*) or to *VK3JED* on Echolink 42840. These conferences/hubs have been setup to handle a larger number of connections, so as to not interrupt the input/output from 28608.

Note: EchoLink has updated to 9610 (formally 9732).